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Teen Ballet Dancer


Alice will run in to the party looking for the White Rabbit.  Which way did he go? Alice gets confused with her right, left, up, down.  The white rabbit must be hiding! Lets play hide and seek! 

Alice loves to play games and will have you all giggling as she tells you all about her adventures in Wonderland.  She might even dream up a birthday present for you too! 

Want to add face painting - Alice can paint white rabbits, red and white roses, clocks, teapots and card symbols! 


The Snow Princess loves to travel with her sister but can come to your party on her pwn adventure too! 

Straight from Arendelle, the Snow Princess will glide in to sweep the children off their feet with lots of party fun!

The Snow Princess loves party games and would love to celebrate your birthday with you! Musical statues is one of her favourites! how frozen can you be?!

The children will be engaged with lots of games, dancing and an icy sing-a-long with plenty of giggles, laughter and fun along the way.

If you want to add face painting the Snow princess is excellent at this too! 

Hip Hop Dancer
Modern Ballet Dancers


Straight from Arendelle, the Snow Queen will glide in to sweep the children off their feet with lots of party fun!

The Snow Queen loves party games and would love to celebrate your birthday with you! 

The children will be engaged with lots of games, dancing and an icy sing-a-long with plenty of giggles, laughter and fun along the way.

If you want to add face painting the Snow Queen is excellent at this too! 


Cinderella runs into the party with one shoe looking for her other glass slipper.  "Oh, hello, how do you do? whats going on here? ooh a party, I love parties"

Cinderella would love to stay and play some games with you!

Can you help Cinderella find her shoe before the ugly step sisters do? She is always leaving it around! Once she left it behind at a ball with a prince! 

Oh no the ugly stepsisters are here! Can the kids help rescue cinderella? Once rescued we can all go the ball! 

The fairy godmother has given cinderella some magic dust, can they all say bibbety boppety boo and maybe the cake will appear! 

Ah time for Happy Birthday and then time for Cinderella to head back to the palace.  

Modern Dance


Snow White will come skipping into the party singing and looking for the dwarfs! maybe you can help her look? 

Does anyone know all of the names of the dwarfs?

Dwarfs love to play games so maybe if we play some they might come back! Their favourite is dwarf, dwarf, witch (duck duck goose).  

Oh no, they are still not back..can you help save Snow White from the evil queen? 

Snow White uses her magic dust to wish for lots of lovely presents and cake for your special day.  She loves singing so leads everyone in Happy Birthday before having to run off to find those cheeky dwarfs! 

Leaping Dancer
Jumping Dancer


Belle glides into the party looking for the birthday child - her husband the beast has told her all about them.  Belle tells the children that now he looks nice but she missed the beast so once a week she gets him to change back.  Can they all pretend to be the beast?! Wow they were scary! 

Lets play hide and seek to hide from a beast! 

Belle loves dancing! Can we practice our dance moves in music statues? Belle can show you how we bow and curtsey.  

Oh no! the villagers have stolen the birthday cake! Can you help Belle get it back? Celebrate by singing Happy Birthday with Belle! 


Tinker Fairy has been sent here today because there is a very special birthday child that has been given special fairy powers! Can she help tink teach all the birthday guests how to be magic too? How well can they hide, like fairies do, away from humans? Can they rescue a fairy from a pirate? What sort of fairy are they? A water fairy, a flower fairy, a wind fairy or a tink fairy too! 

Tink might even need your help to practice her magic! 

If you want to add face painting tink will use her magic to cover you in beautiful flowers and glitter! 

Ballet Dancers
Jumping Dancer


Rapunzel will bound into the venue, full of excitement - she just loves to party! She is so happy to have escaped the tower and can't wait to celebrate your birthday with you.  

She loves dancing and her speciality is the limbo - using her long locks as the limbo pole! 

She is well known for using her pan to fight against any evil - she might put your skills to the test in an egg and spoon race with a difference! Swap the spoon for a pan! 

If it's a party outside Rapunzel loves to play tug of war! Mums and dads can join in too! 

Rapunzel  will have your little ones giggling in no time and will lead you all in singing Happy Birthday before waving you farewell and whizzing off to find her sidekick pascal! 

©2024 by Wish upon a Party Entertainment Limited 
Wish upon a Party Entertainment Limited is an independent company and is not associated with, affiliated with, or licensed by Walt Disney Company, Warner Brothers, DC Comics, Lucas Arts, Marvel, Saban, Mattel, or SCG Power Rangers LLC. 

Disclaimer: It is not our intention to violate any copyright laws.  Our brand character friends are not name branded characters.  Our characters are generic with inspiration gathered from many tellings of the most popular storybook characters.  We can only accept bookings from individuals who are aware that we do not represent any licensed character.  Any resemblance to internationally known copyrighted characters is incidental.  Any reviews or posts on Wish upon a Party's social media paged from customers referencing our entertainers and characters, using copywritten brand names are the opinions and interpretation of the individual and not of Wish upon a Party.  If you are requiring a licensed, copyrighted character for your event you should contact the company/copyright holders.  Thank you.  

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